Tax Return Adviser Ltd
Should you pay staff for untaken holiday?
If your holiday year ended on 31 December, you may now be getting queries from employees as to whether they can receive a payment in lieu for any untaken leave. What are the rules?
Travel expenses between UK and overseas workplace
You’re sending one of your employees to mainland Europe for a job that will take several months to complete. What’s the tax and NI position if you pay for a return trip to the UK for purely private reasons?
Capital gains calculations - how to avoid costly errors
Identifying the figures to use in your capital gain calculation following the sale of a property is not always as straightforward as it seems. What should you be including or excluding from your calculations to ensure you pay the right amount of tax?
Ensure your invoicing systems are compliant
Your business has continued to issue paper sales invoices to your customers, as well as electronic invoices sent by email. With MTD for VAT now compulsory for all VAT- registered businesses, are your procedures acceptable to HMRC?
Do personal contributions save company car tax?
By personally paying part of the cost of your company car you can reduce the benefit in kind on which you’ll be taxed and your company will pay NI. But will these savings be enough to outweigh the cost of your contribution?
Are you entitled to land remediation relief?
There are tax breaks for businesses that move to areas in need of a financial boost. But unless you’re nearby you probably won’t want to make the move. However, an alternative tax break might be on your doorstep. What is it?