Tax Return Adviser Ltd
How much VAT can you claim on mixed use assets?
Your business is buying two assets, a yacht and a motorbike, which will both have business and private use because they will be available to staff and directors for leisure trips. How much input tax can you claim on these purchases?
Cash basis accounting - what’s the latest?
The cash basis of accounting is to become the norm for unincorporated businesses when calculating profits for tax purposes. What steps do you need to take to prepare for the change and what impact might it have on your tax bills?
Tax reliefs and deductions - know your (time) limits!
Strict time limits apply to claims by individuals and businesses for tax deductions and reliefs. What are the key dates you need to know to ensure you don’t lose your entitlement to them?
Fluctuations in FX rates: the tax implications
You recently sold a property located overseas. You are aware that the fluctuations in currency exchange rates need to be accounted for, but are unsure about how to treat costs relating to the overseas mortgage settlement. What do you need to do?
How does the annual adjustment work?
Your business is partially exempt and uses the standard method to work out how much input tax to claim each quarter. However, you have not carried out any annual adjustment calculations for the last three years. What action should you take to correct this problem?
New companies - how soon can a director be paid?
You’ve formed a company and are in the process of getting it up and running. As it hasn’t generated any income yet can it pay you a salary, and if it does will it be entitled to tax relief for it?