Tax Return Adviser Ltd
How to get tax relief for transition year losses
Basis periods have now been abolished for working out tax for unincorporated businesses. Whilst there’s lots of guidance about making the transition from the old to the new rules for profitable businesses, what’s the position if there’s a loss?
Full expensing - the fine print
You’ve heard from a colleague that all equipment bought for your business now qualifies for 100% relief as a deductible expense, so there’s no need to keep a separate record of it as expenditure. Is he right and why does it matter?
Workplace pensions for seasonal and temporary staff
According to The Pensions Regulator, some employers who take on seasonal or other temporary workers aren’t following the workplace pension rules correctly. If you’re hiring short-term workers what steps should you be taking?
Tax relief for donating free use of a property
A director wants to give free use of a property, the freehold of which is owned by his company, to a registered charity. He wants to know if his company is entitled to any tax relief for this?
Is there a problem giving staff free stock?
Your business buys and sells goods and it’s your policy to give some free items to staff. You also personally take some stock for yourself and your family. You amend your stock records for these but what should you do with the VAT?
Joined up bookkeeping saves tax on directors’ loans
Several years ago you made a loan to your company. Since then you’ve drawn on company cash to pay private expenses. On balance you’re in the black but HMRC says your cash drawing is separate from the loan and is taxable. Can it be right?